Friday, May 14, 2010

Volunteer Opportunities Abound

Team Transplant, let me be the first one to welcome you to this beautiful Friday afternoon. It is a perfect Colorado day, and I can’t tell you what joy it is to start a blog post and have something other than rain—and snow—to talk about! I hope that each of you can get out there and enjoy it if you can; I’ve not seen the forecast for the rest of the weekend but let’s hope this is just the beginning!

To all of you Team Transplant volunteers out there, we have a lot of opportunities to use your skills in the coming weeks. The clock is ticking, and believe it or not we are mere weeks away to completing this year’s ride! There are many opportunities to get involved, from stuffing packets to staffing pick up locations. Check your calendars, check in with our hero, Katie, at the Foundation and let us know how you can help!

For everybody else, let’s just get out there and ride. Share the message. Tell folks about what you’re doing! We have a weekend ahead of us, a great opportunity to enjoy the beginnings of what will surely be another amazing Colorado summer.

Thanks again to all of you for your work and your dedication. Thanks for sharing your stories, and the stories of the other people on the team. I was recently profiled on the website, and was so happy to share that honor via another email out to my social circle to help them understand the importance of their support!

Have a great weekend, Team Transplant! I’m off to celebrate my birthday this weekend (yes, I’ll be another year older when I return to you next week… let’s hope some wisdom comes with age!). Definitely will be squeezing in a ride or two this weekend as well!


Counting the days to June 6th!!! (23, in case you were wondering)


  1. Happy Birthday, Susan!!!! I didn't have it on my calendar, so I am so sorry I missed it.

  2. Are the 62 milers going to meet at any place or time on Sun am? I think we would like to get off early, don't you???
