Thursday, May 20, 2010

Training Ride, May 22: Who’s In?

Happy Thursday to Team Transplant! Hope your week has been as enjoyable as mine.

We’re down to the wire, team! Let’s tighten up those helmet straps, fill the water bottles, and stretch out those quads. Time to put your pedal to the… well, you see where I’m going with this.

For the final stretch, we are having another great training ride this weekend departing from Wheat Ridge Cyclery at 9:15 AM! This will be a 28-mile roundtrip out to Golden and back, average pace at 14 miles/hour. The path will be along 32nd avenue, which is mostly bike paths, and will feature a quick refreshment break at a Starbucks. You should be done by 12:30.

There’s an additional opportunity to possibly extend the trip for those who are interested, so RSVP if you want to join us! As always, this is a no-drop ride and we look forward to seeing you all Saturday.

Keep up the great work, everybody. While I’m personally not proud of the fact that I’ve lost my position in the top 5 fundraisers on Team Transplant, I’m very pleased to see the amazing efforts of our fellow team mates! Let your friends and family know that we are weeks away from a really amazing event that will change lives and bring people together!

Keep fundraising! Keep sharing your story! A big, big shout out to my Aunt Lenny for her support—my Uncle George is here today because of his life-saving heart transplant!

Hope to see y’all before the ride!

16 days and counting…


Friday, May 14, 2010

Volunteer Opportunities Abound

Team Transplant, let me be the first one to welcome you to this beautiful Friday afternoon. It is a perfect Colorado day, and I can’t tell you what joy it is to start a blog post and have something other than rain—and snow—to talk about! I hope that each of you can get out there and enjoy it if you can; I’ve not seen the forecast for the rest of the weekend but let’s hope this is just the beginning!

To all of you Team Transplant volunteers out there, we have a lot of opportunities to use your skills in the coming weeks. The clock is ticking, and believe it or not we are mere weeks away to completing this year’s ride! There are many opportunities to get involved, from stuffing packets to staffing pick up locations. Check your calendars, check in with our hero, Katie, at the Foundation and let us know how you can help!

For everybody else, let’s just get out there and ride. Share the message. Tell folks about what you’re doing! We have a weekend ahead of us, a great opportunity to enjoy the beginnings of what will surely be another amazing Colorado summer.

Thanks again to all of you for your work and your dedication. Thanks for sharing your stories, and the stories of the other people on the team. I was recently profiled on the website, and was so happy to share that honor via another email out to my social circle to help them understand the importance of their support!

Have a great weekend, Team Transplant! I’m off to celebrate my birthday this weekend (yes, I’ll be another year older when I return to you next week… let’s hope some wisdom comes with age!). Definitely will be squeezing in a ride or two this weekend as well!


Counting the days to June 6th!!! (23, in case you were wondering)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Training Ride and Demo Day: Success!

Good morning Team Transplant! I’m happy to report that our May 8th training ride—this past Saturday—was a rocking success! The weather was beautiful, and with Wheat Ridge Cyclery hosting their LIVESTRONG day at the same time, we had a great opportunity to meet with other cyclists and chat about what we’re doing.

We had at least 14 members of Team Transplant out for the big day, including Michelle Hartman, living donor, and Justin Fulton, a kidney recipient. Here they are in a photo on the ride with Heidi:

Nice 2009 Team Transplant jersey, Justin! Looking good!

Our next training ride is May 22nd, and details will be coming soon. Stay tuned to the blog, the events page, your email, and all the other ways that we try to keep you informed. Join us on the 22nd for another great day!

Stay warm out there today—it’s a chilly day that’s a little discouraging for us outdoorsy types! Let’s start a Denver-mantra to help chase the rain (and snow!) away: Summer is coming, summer is coming—everybody now!—Summer is coming, summer is coming…

Check out Michelle Cleminson, Team Transplant rider, center!

Looking forward to seeing you on the 22nd!

Sunny days, chasing the clouds away!
Team Transplant Eternal Optimist

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May is National Bike Month… and a training ride... and a demo day!

Good morning Team Transplant, long time no blog! I’ve missed you guys!

It’s been a busy couple of weeks in the world of Team Transplant, starting with a fun event for volunteers to connect and view videos in the Show us Your Heart Video contest! ATF volunteers joined up with volunteers from Donor Alliance to screen the five submissions and spend some time getting to know each other. It was a great event… and really brought home the importance of our efforts. As I’ve mentioned before, we get caught up in recruitment and fundraising and cycling training, and sometimes it’s easy to forget the real effort behind it all: increasing awareness for this amazing, life-saving gift that we all carry. The videos were really amazing, and I’m not embarrassed to say that after it was through, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house! Check out the videos for yourself… and bring Kleenex! It was great to see all you fellow volunteers there.

In other news… May is National Bike Month! Keep an eye out around town for special events, opportunities for riding, and ride your bike to work day. This is a great opportunity to get out last year’s jersey and tell fellow cyclists about the ride and what we do! The League of American Bicyclists has a lot of information on ways to get involved and community events.

MOST IMPORTANTLY… are you joining us for the trek to Red Rocks this weekend? Saturday is forecasting to be a mild 62 degrees, perfect weather for a nice training ride and demo day at Red Rocks. This training ride will depart from Wheat Ridge Cyclery at 9AM, completing a 38-mile loop to Red Rocks and back. While at Red Rocks, take a break and enjoy Wheat Ridge Cyclery’s Demo Day! All team riders can demo bikes from Specialized, Orbea, Trek and Yeti on the road and mountain trails at Red Rocks that will be open for our use! Refreshments will be provided—it’s going to be a great day! RSVP to Brian and let him know you’ll be there! (If you’re not up for the 38-mile trip, you can always meet us at the Lower North Lot at Red Rocks for Demo Day, we’d love to see you!)
As always, Team Transplant, thanks for your hard work, your dedication, and for taking the time to read the blog and stay updated. If we don’t see you this weekend, we’ll see you at another upcoming event soon.

4 weeks and counting….!

Your devoted blogger!