Friday, April 23, 2010

Matching Contributions

A sunshiny welcome to Team Transplant on this rainy Friday morning. I’m happy to see the moisture and can’t wait to watch my gardens thrive off of it… but I hope it doesn’t impact tomorrow’s training ride! Stay tuned for any breaking news—the ride is still on, and if you haven’t already, please RSVP to Brian at

A great idea was sent to me by Team Transplant rider Christine this week—seeking matching contributions from your employers. Many companies will support employee’s charitable efforts with a matching contribution up to a certain amount. Check into it through your human resources department—you might be sitting on a quick and easy fundraising opportunity and not even be aware of it!

Also, speaking of work, I took the opportunity this week to hang up two Team Transplant posters in my office—one on my office door and one on the fridge in our kitchen. I’ve gotten a lot of questions about it and it’s a great way to pick up some side donations… or, dare I say, some fresh blood in the form of new recruits? Please see previous blog post about ways to bring Team Transplant into a conversation… and if you need posters, please let us know!

I know I focus a great deal on fundraising and recruiting here on the blog, but I want to acknowledge that what it’s really all about is the power of transplant, changing lives, and education. I am passionate about supporting the efforts of Heidi, Katie, and everyone at the American Transplant Foundation, and I hope that some of that passion is passed on every time I talk to people about what we’re doing. Everyone on this ride is a part of that effort: saving lives, increasing community education, and supporting efforts to push the limits of our medical and scientific capabilities. It’s something to be proud of… so Team Transplant, go ahead and pat yourselves on the back. I’m proud of you!

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at Wheat Ridge Cyclery for the training ride; and if not then, let’s catch a spin class or another ride before the big day.

Cheers everyone, and TGIF! Have a great weekend!


Team Transplant

1 comment:

  1. Matching contributions are a great idea! And not only can you try to get matching contributions from your own employer--you can also ask the people who sponsor your ride to check with their employers!

    This is a great and easy way to double your fundraising! We received several matching donations for last year's ride, and one so far this year!

    If you want posters, email me at!
